nonverbal communication

4 Distracting Behaviors in Job Interviews

4 Distracting Behaviors in Job Interviews

Do you swivel, shift, click, or bounce when you're interviewing for a job? If so, these distracting behaviors can take the interviewer's focus away from what you're saying instead to what you're doing. Here are four common distracting tendencies and how to fix...

How to Bring Energy to Job Interviews!

How to Bring Energy to Job Interviews!

Want to know one of the quickest ways to a hiring manager's heart? Bring a healthy dose of energy to your job interviews! “You wouldn’t believe the number of people who come in and act like they’re bored or like they’d rather be somewhere else,” said a San Diego-based...

You’re Qualified, But Do They Like You?

You’re Qualified, But Do They Like You?

Your résumé stood out and you made the short list of job interview candidates. Your phone screen went swimmingly. Now Interview Day is here, and you’re in the lobby armed with hard copies of your résumé, a solid list of questions for the interviewer, and knowledge...

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