tell me about yourself

A Simple Formula for Job Interview Success

A Simple Formula for Job Interview Success

Knowing how to prepare for your job interview can be overwhelming. While you can’t anticipate every possible question, there IS a simple formula you can follow for job interview success. Here’s how you can lay a firm foundation for answering many job interview...

Mock Interview Your Way into Job Offers Faster!

Mock Interview Your Way into Job Offers Faster!

Most of us wouldn’t dream of giving a big presentation, speech, performance, or  demonstration without doing at least one run-through. Yet when it comes to hard-won job interviews, candidates often decide to skip mock interview practice and wing it. While the “wing...

“Tell me about yourself…”

“Tell me about yourself…”

"Tell me about yourself" is one of the first job interview questions you'll face. Sounds innocent enough, right? But what you say in that first minute of your meeting sets the tone and influences the interviewer’s first impression of you. (S)he is judging your ability...

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