How to Write an Interview Thank You Note

by | Last updated Nov 13, 2020 | interview thank you notes

You feel great about your job interview and the role seems like a perfect fit. Time to breathe a sigh of relief and wait for the verdict, right? Not so fast! You still need to write a job interview thank you note.

You might be asking, “Do I really even need to write a thank-you note?” And the answer is a resounding “Yes!”  

Taking this extra step shows that you’re conscientious, that you pay attention to those details, and that you’re interested in continuing to relationship-build with your interviewers. Writing an interview thank-you note allows you the opportunity to express your interest in the position and to reiterate any important points about your background. 

A Second Chance

Have you ever walked out of the interview only to remember something you should have said, but forgot at the time?

It’s hard to remember everything, so the thank you note is a chance to mention something that you left out–something valuable for the hiring manager to know. 

Who Gets a Thank You Note?

How do you decide who receives an interview thank-you note?

Write a note to every person you met with. If possible, modify your note for each person. This is easier to do if you have a succession of interviews v. a panel interview, for example. If you were interviewed in a group setting, then just do your best because it may not be possible to relate aspects of the conversation to any one person. If the coordinator is reticent to give individual contact information, then, as a last resort, ask them to pass along your note(s) for you. 

The Right Flow

Your interview thank you note should be short and sweet.

Include an introductory paragraph that’s very simple and straightforward. For example,  “Thanks so much for inviting me in today to talk about the director of operations position at Sapphire Industries.”

Next, talk about something specific, noteworthy, or interesting. “I was excited to hear that you’re prioritizing driving efficiency and cutting lead times for e-commerce orders, and that executive leadership is fully on board and ready for new ideas. I also appreciated your transparency about some major gaps in the operation that I’d need to address in short order.”

Following that, either reiterate a selling point or talk about that thing that you might’ve forgotten to say. “As you know, I was able to cut e-commerce lead times at my current company by 75% which significantly improved our customer relationships.

And then wrap it up with, “It was great to meet you–thanks again for your time. I’m happy to be considered, I look forward to next steps,  and I’ll follow up by next Thursday if I don’t hear from you first.” And then sign off.

When and How to Send a Thank You Note

Write and deliver your notes within 24 hours. Email is 100% acceptable. In some industries or positions, such as hospitality, customer service, or event planning, a handwritten thank-you note can add an extra personal touch and help you stand out. If you do choose to go the handwritten route, make sure it’s delivered in 24 hours. Some job seekers have written their notes in the parking lot right after the interview, then delivered them to the front desk for delivery before they leave the company’s property.

Writing an interview thank you note may not be the reason you get the job, but it can give you an edge, especially if it’s a close decision. So take a few minutes to check this final box, and then relax knowing you’ve done all you can to be the last candidate standing.


dalena bradley job interview coach career coach

I’m Dalena Bradley, job interview and career marketing coach dedicated to helping you communicate your value, stand out from the competition, and win the job!

Contact me to discuss how we can collaborate.


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