job search tips

What to Do When You’ve Been Rejected From a Job

What to Do When You’ve Been Rejected From a Job

You've finished your job interviews with a company you're really excited about only to find out that you've been rejected. After you've received  that dreaded "no thank you" message, what do you do?First, Try to Get Feedback Rather than just accept that you've been...

5 Top Reasons you Didn’t Get the Job

5 Top Reasons you Didn’t Get the Job

Have you ever sailed through a job interview process, felt great about it, were anticipating an offer...and then you didn’t get the job?    I've worked with people who have driven themselves crazy trying to figure out what it was they said, what it was they did,  what...

Informational Interview Your Way to a New Job Faster

Informational Interview Your Way to a New Job Faster

Most jobs are never advertised, so the best way to fast-track your search and access the hidden job market is via informational interviews a.k.a. networking meetings or informational meetings.   Switch from Reactive to Proactive Job Search Mode Even with the odds...

Job Search Tips Told Firsthand

Job Search Tips Told Firsthand

James Johnson* had a successful 14-year engineering career, and for the first time in his professional life, he faced a job search. James was ready to move up from being hands-on to a director where he’d have greater impact on the business. But there was no room  for...

4 Top Tips to Manage Your 2019 Job Search & Career

4 Top Tips to Manage Your 2019 Job Search & Career

Have you resolved that 2019 is your year to job search and land a new job? Your year to be ready--just in case an amazing, unexpected career opportunity comes up? Your year to put more energy into proactively managing your career? If this sounds like you, then follow...

Job Interview Storytelling: 6 Ways to Excel

Job Interview Storytelling: 6 Ways to Excel

You’ve worked hard to get a job interview with your target company. A chance to sell your strengths through storytelling to convince the employer that you’re the best candidate. To make the most of that hour, use these 6 tips to frame and deliver relevant, impactful...

Why the Holiday Season is a Great time to Job Hunt

Why the Holiday Season is a Great time to Job Hunt

Are you tempted to tap the brakes on your job hunt during the holidays? You’re not the only one, which is exactly why you should stay the course like it’s mid-March. “I always had strong activity through the holidays,” said Kari Bodmer, former principal at Bodmer...

What’s Worth (and a Waste of) Time in Your Job Search

What’s Worth (and a Waste of) Time in Your Job Search

I just got back from Glacier National Park, where nature provided a feast for my eyes, adventures for my soul, and memories that will last a lifetime. Hiking, rafting, paddling, and eating aside, my favorite thing about the trip was chatting with other park visitors...

10 Interviewing Challenges: Job Seeker FAQs

10 Interviewing Challenges: Job Seeker FAQs

What comes to mind when you're gearing up for job interviews? There's so much to think about--what you'll wear, who you'll meet, what you'll say, how you'll act, and whether there will be any curveball questions or surprises. Here’s a snapshot of some common (and a...

When it’s Your Turn: 10 Solid Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

When it’s Your Turn: 10 Solid Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

The more you can think of an interview as a conversation rather than an inquisition, the better. One of the best ways to do this is by asking thoughtful, smart questions. If you respond to your interviewer's invite to answer questions with, “You’ve already covered...

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